

  • Jet Blue
  • Apex Bulk Carriers

Residential & Commercial Property Management

  • Brown Harris Stevens
  • Halstead Properties
  • Douglas Elliman Property Management
  • Rose Associates
  • Tap Property Management
  • Milford Management
  • Brandywine Realty Trust

Architects & Engineers

  • Wiss Janney Elstner & Associates
  • Ethelind Coblin Architects
  • Howard Zimmerman Associates
  • Michael P. Chiarelli Engineer, P.C.
  • Linear B. Solutions

Food & Beverage

  • PepsiCo Aurangabad, India
  • Uncle Wally’s Bakery
  • Field Fresh Foods, India

Academic Institutions

  • The Rockefeller University
  • Penn State Medical Center, Hershey, PA
  • Touro College
  • New York School for the Deaf, White Planes, NY

Municipalities & Cities

  • Boro of Tinton Falls, NJ
  • New York City Agency for Children’s Services

Retirement Communities

  • Atria Senior Living


  • American Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


  • Fox News
  • New York Post


  • "Mr. Singh's research is an integral part of NYELJP's efforts to safeguard the health of the public following an unprecedented environmental disaster. I wholeheartedly endorse this work of Mr. Singh and Mr. Kupferman, as it has been a critical part of my efforts to ensure downtown environmental quality for my constituents."

    -Jerrold Nadler

    Member of Congress

    8th District, New York

    Click here to download Congressman Nadler's complete testimonal.

  • "We thank you for your cooperation in performing the pilot study for the initial installation, as well as providing guidance for sizing the units for the new design. We look forward to continued use of the UV odor control system."

    -Michael P. Chiarelli, Engineer, P.C.

    Click here to download the full report from Michael Chiarelli.


  • "Uday Singh came into our lives when I was incredibly concerned about the air quality in my family’s apartment. As result of his astute analysis and gentle expertise, we acquired three UV filters, one for each of our bedrooms. With the addition of these powerful filters, the quality of the air in all three spaces has markedly improved, and my children’s airborne allergies have all but vanished. Everything in our space feels lighter and cleaner. I recommend Uday and these filters without hesitation."

    -Maggie V., Lyon Lifestyle, LLC

  • "We love our UV units! We purchased our first unit for our playroom where the teenagers and the dog play, host sleepovers, work on their homework and generally spend most of their time when they are at home. That room gets the most use and therefore the air quality can get pretty raw on occasion.

    I had researched Ozone generators and found them to be too hazardous to the occupants. I looked at the HEPA-filtered air movers but found they did little to remove or destroy the living organisms that are the cause of most of our airborn odors.

    Your units are perfect for our home environment, which is vacuum-cleaned daily and has a low dust environment.

    We noticed a big difference in the indoor air quality within hours of turning the unit on. The room smelled clean and fresh, just like our back yard. Our teenagers even noticed and approved.

    Within three months we purchased a second unit for our kitchen to control the normal kitchen smells from cooking.

    Both units have been running 24/7/365 for more then a year now and I would highly recommend them for anyone.

    You have a great product Uday. Thank you!"

    -Scott Kennedy, CEO, Studio042, NJ


  • "Uday,

    First, thanks for the seminar on air purification – we gained a wealth of information. The integral units we purchased for our office have been beneficial in reducing health issues, and as a result, increasing productivity. We need to order another unit for our addition, now under construction. We are now specifying both of the integral units in our residential projects such as the apartment at 10 Gracie Square. We will be incorporating the in-duct units on our newer projects. We are seeing more of our clients looking to this option and are grateful to you for supporting their needs and allowing us to benefit from your knowledge."

    -Ethelind Coblin, AIA, New York

  • "Problem: High rise residential building of approximately 15 years of age in NYC with apartment-to-apartment odor migration problems, the cause being cigar/cigarette smoke and odiferous food odors emanating from individual units.

    Economic Solution: By installing Ultra Violet devices in offending apartments, the issue was resolved to the satisfaction of all involved."

    -Michael Joseffer, Howard L. Zimmerman Architects, P.C., New York

  • "I.H. Consultants, Inc. brings a pragmatic hands-on approach to addressing industrial hygiene issues, a subject ever more at the forefront of residential apartment building operations. When faced with the most vexing of problems, I can rely on them to make sense of the cause and provide for a solution acceptable to property management, owner and unit residents alike. Thank you."

    -Douglas Ellimann Property Management, NY

Food & Beverage

  • Sterile Environment: "Business opportunities brought us to seek out and to understand the positive impact of UV lighting in our air make-up systems. On our own, the process was incomplete. In came Industrial Hygiene Consultants. Knowledgeable and thorough, Uday Singh planned the installation of an effective UV lighting system that met both our budget and the desired level of sanitized air flow. The clean level of air flow in our bakery today has enabled us to raise the bar on the quality of the products we produce."

  • Bathroom Odors: "Did you know that a simple UV lighting system installed in an active restroom can transform the less-than desirable odors in minutes to a pleasant, clean air environment? Neither did we! Industrial Hygiene Consultants suggested we try it. Wow! We had an instant payback! United Baking Company says, 'Thank you, Uday.'"

    -Jim Farrell, United Baking Co., Inc.