Since its inception in 1993, IH Consultants (IHC) has served the commercial, residential and institutional infrastructure in the New York metropolitan area. Over the last 17 years, IHC has provided sound technical consultation, cost effective and scientifically proven solutions to a wide variety of clients for complex issues pertaining to indoor air quality, health & safety as well as the financial interests of the client. Industrial sectors served are commercial, residential, healthcare, food & beverage, academic, legal, hospitality, architecture and engineering.

With over 100 years of collective, multidisciplinary experience (in-house and experts in related fields) in the areas of occupational health, environmental science, mechanical engineering, architecture, meteorology, infection control and toxicology, IHC is well equipped to understand and resolve the challenges posed by the built environment at any stage of design, construction, post-construction maintenance and operations.

For the past few years we have focused our energies and efforts on characterization, management and eradication of two of the most challenging environmental issues that adversely impact the work and leisure environments: odors and infectious bioaerosols (bacteria, fungi/molds & viruses).

To learn about our post 9/11 studies, contact us at